Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 286 - T Plus 6 Days... ...and Counting

Both the midwife and the reflexologist agreed independently that things aren't quite ready to go just yet...damn.

Sweep wasn't the nicest thing I've ever had happen to me but wasn't so bad. Funnily enough the midwife said that some women cannot deal with it, which seems strange as it wasn't exactly in the same league as I imagine pushing a baby out of your delicate lady parts will be!!!! I fear some people may be in for a rather rude awakening if they thought the sweep was bad!

Have further sweeps booked for Monday and Wednesday. Usually our hospital would want to start induction next Friday but our compromise is to have a fetal wellbeing scan on Friday and start daily monitoring to allow things to go on for a few more days as nature intended.

Hopefully she'll come along of her own accord before then.

1 comment:

  1. It's Monday....
    Are you "Mum" yet, or still "Mum to be"?????

