Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Maybe You're Just Too Upset Inside...

So, when I went to clinic with my friend E_ and her baby I_ it turned out that we were leading parallel lives. I_ had been poorly since Friday and had sickness and diarrhoea all weekend. E_'s hubbie had also come home sick that lunchtime. I began to suspect that I was paying even more for my afternoon of decadence on Friday because I think Olivia caught a sickness from I_ or one oft he other babies, as at least one other had been poorly the previous week.

By Tuesday morning Olivia still wasn't feeding and after her first bottle of the day it was a struggle to her her to eat more than 2oz before she fell asleep. We thought that surely the constant stream of dirty nappies had to end at some point as what was coming out seemed to be exceeding what was going in. We thought wrong. You would not believe how much poop could come out of such a small person in a 24 hour period. I'm glad that we are an environmentally friendly family because otherwise Olivia would have to have her own personal landfill full of poopy nappies.

F_'s Mum and Dad phoned to say that they had both spent the morning vomiting, so we had truly spent the weekend spreading the love far and wide in our family - oops. F_ was very worried as he had visited his elderly Nana and feared that he may have given her an illness that she wouldn't be strong enough to deal with, but luckily she has not gone down with anything.

F_ was still off sick and I spent the morning boasting that it was a good job that one of us was hardy cause if I got ill who would look after the baby? Immortal last words as several hours later I was running a fever of 101 and felt pretty rubbish, although with me it was a headache and aching joints but no gastrointestinal problems, thankfully.

Feeding Olivia became a constant job. It was like going back in time to when she was a newborn and we spent all day cup feeding her. As she wouldn't take a full feed and we wanted to get as much into her as possible we tried feeding her small amounts more regularly. This effectively meant that we would start a feed, the feed would take an hour, during which she would consume about 2 ounces, and then an hour later it would all start again. She still only took about half of her daily formula load.

We both agreed that if the situation showed no sign of improvement by the next morning we would take her to the doctor.

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