Monday, February 25, 2008

I Will Walk...

Here's a few pictures we shot of Olivia in our hallway at the weekend. She was just coming back with the shopping.

In actual fact, poor little Olivia was in the middle of a liquid poo and projectile vomit fest, though I don't think you can see it in these shots... Actually, poor us - we were the one's completely frazzled by the end of the weekend!


  1. No, we most certainly couldn't see the poo and vomit fest. All I could see was such a cute girl in an adorable sweater...and look at that bag. It's a cuteness trifecta, I tell ya! (Oh, and sorry to hear about the Poopapalooza.)

  2. hi everyone! you had the poo and vom fest too, huh? Gregory and Peter have too - Clara has so far escaped it, touch wood! It's a joy isn't it, being a parent...
