Friday, January 30, 2009

I Know I'm Always Falling Off the Edge of the World

I know I'm always falling off the edge of the world...well off the edge of the sofa at least. Once second Olivia was settling down for her nap on Grandma's sofa and the next she was laying on the floor howling. She somehow managed to roll off and lap on her face, squishing her nose in the process. It didn't bleed but she was very upset and kept saying 'blood', although I reassured her and showed her in the mirror that there was no blood.

Blood is a word that Olivia learned on Wednesday. We went to try a new toddler group and she was having a great time until just before it was time to go home she somehow banged in to a chair while running around and bit a chunk out of the side of her tongue. At first I didn't think she had done anything as there were no obvious marks on her face but when she opened her mouth to howl it was full of blood. It took a bit of examination to work out exactly what was bleeding. Of course at the moment she takes in everything you say, even when you don't expect her to pay attention or understand and so she obviously remembered the word and context when I commented to Grandma that her mouth was full of blood.

So, all things considered it hasn't been a great week for Olivia's beautiful face, poor little poppit.


  1. It's amazing how often they bash their little faces into things, and how quickly they bounce back. 3B went through a terrible phase of face plants right as he was learning to walk, the worst of which came when he was crawling, actually. Fortunately, they all seem to learn to avoid the face first crashes and get beyond that phase.

  2. Gregory has a lovely purple bruise on the undeside of his chin at the moment!
