Sunday, February 07, 2010

Only Me and the Sea

Mummy M is not one for pets. Never been into fluffy boney things. I also have one (some might say two, or possible even three!) people to clean up after and at least one of them cannot control their bowels so I am not big on introducing anything else that might poop on the floor into our happy household.

That said, every child should probably have a pet. So I have given in to the pitiful moans of 'I want a puppy', 'I want a kitten' etc. and settled on the ideal low maintenance pet... Goldfish!

Now anyone who has fish is probably laughing right now as it turns out you need a lot of assorted stuff and things and a degree in chemistry to keep even basic cold water fish! Oh well the local pet store has done good trade out of family M this weekend. And we haven't even got the fish yet as you have to set it all up and then leave it a week - who knew!

Anyway, watch this space and see if it soon contains fish.

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