Sunday, June 04, 2006

Day 60 - The Big Reveal (part 1)

We've started to tell people. I phoned E___, my eldest brother on his mobile. I thought about tossing a coin to see if it should be him or my other bro C__ to hear first but in the end went for age order.

We had a bit of a chat about about his recent birthday and how he was settling into his new flat. In the end, he started the ball rolling by mentioning our friends with ectopic pregnancy and I mentioned that we'd seen them the night before and that they'd seemed to be entirely normal really. He kept trying to move the conversation away from pregnancy and I'd mention how we were going to see our friend S__ who was 20 weeks pregnancy and eventually he said, 'Are you trying to tell me something..?'

'Er... yeah!'
'Oh my god!' he turns from the phone and says, 'F_____ and K___ are having a baby!' Cue loads of shreiking from a man and a woman. I'm guessing that the female voice is M____, his girlfriend and the bloke is R______, his flatmate.

We chat for a while and he seems to be very chuffed and excited about the whole thing, asking how long we've known, when its due, when we'll know the sex and all that kind of stuff. Then I said, 'Oh, can you make sure that you and R______ don't start spreading this around just yet, because we're not telling everyone for a couple of weeks or so and would rather they heard it from us.

'Yeah - I heard him in the background.' A slight pause then...
'Hello me bruvver! Congratulations mate, that's wicked news!'

I am very confused. It's C___ my other brother. I'm thinking has E___ got some conference facility on his phone or something..? It turns out that E___ and M____ had gone down to Brighton to visit and it wasn't his flatmate at all. So that made it all rather simple! C__ and I had a good long chat, covering much the same ground as E___. C__'s fiancee is away for a week or so, and won't know until she get's back but that's the brothers told. K___'s told her sisters and her grandmother.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we tell Nana. I can hardly say how much I'm looking forward to it.

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