Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Day 62 - Freecycle

I'd like to do a bit of evangelising for the wonderful Freecycle. Freecycle is essentially about recognising that just because we've finished with an item, it doesn't mean there isn't someone who'd love to give it a home. Yeah, it sounds a bit of a tree-hugging, pasta-knitting thing, and I suppose it is.

So what?
We do chuck too much stuff into landfill, we do live disposable lives, it absolutely does fuck the environment.

Freecycling started in Tucson, AZ as a way to reduce the impact of landfill sites on the desert. Today, it's global. It's run via YahooGroups. If you have something to offer, you post a description and your location (groups are
normally fairly small geographic locations - ours is our town) and then if someone wants it, they email you and arrange when to pick it up. All for free. I suppose someone could go around collecting this stuff and eBaying it, but they don't seem to. You have to make an offer with your first post anyhow. I've given away at least as much as I've picked up, I'd say.

Today, a guy posted offering a load of new born baby clothes. We were the first to ask so we've now got them and they're cute. I've seen buggies and all sorts of baby stuff offered in the past.

So, Freecycle then; it's very groovy. More details here; http://www.freecycle.org/

Must go, I'm off to hug a tree...

1 comment:

  1. Praise be! ;-)

    Those people you got the firewood from..? Did they show a remarkable ability on the banjo, by any chance? Is their family tree more of a family stump?
