Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Day 76 - The Great Dad Survey

Well, maybe not 'great' but it sounded better that way.
I thought it would be interesting to ask the dads I know about a few different things related to impending fatherhood, so I put together a very short questionnaire and sent it out with my aplogies that it wouldn't be quite like YouGov where you get 50p every time you answer a few questions.

I've promised to respect their anonymity, but will report back on what they say.
In the meantime, here's the questions I asked. If you know a dad who might be willing to fill this out, here's the questions I asked. They can send their answers to t-9months@hotmail.co.uk, which I've set up specially for this purpose. They're more than welcome to send their answers from anonymous addresses if they like. I won't reply to anyone who sends their answers in, but I will add their responses to the stats and I will post them to the site. I may set up a survey for first time fathers to be next...
Dad Survey

How old were you when your first child was born?

Do you think this was: Too old About right Too young

If you thought this was too old or too young, please explain why you think that.

What age do you think would have been ideal?

What do you remember most about the pregnancy?

Did you feel involved in the pregnancy or did you feel a bit of a spare part?

What do you think was your most important contribution during the pregnancy (apart from the obvious!)?

If you had your time over again, what would you do differently?

What would you say to a bloke going through impending parenthood for the first time?

How different were your expectations of having children to the reality?

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