Sunday, July 02, 2006

Day 87 - Exam Results for Blood Cells

Our midwife, D____, came over for a couple of hours this morning. She arrived on time at eight o'clock. She had said that she might have to call it off if she'd been at a birth all night. It makes you realise that they work on a completely different calendar and clock to the rest of us. 08:00 is not the time when most people would elect to make visits. Fortunately, we're both quite bad at staying in bed later than 7.30 at the best of times, so it wasn't a major problem for us.

She went through K___'s paperwork. One of the things that came up in the meeting with the senior midwife at the hospital was that K___ would need to be referred to a consultant for a condition that we felt was both minor and dealt with. After discussing it, D____ said that she didn't think it was necessary either, which was a bit of a result. K___ will now be phoning up to cancel it tomorrow.

She got the results of her blood test. She's got B+ blood, apparently. This means any child of ours will probably have B or O blood (I have O+ (common bugger than I am), but as you will have seen the last time I tried predicting something genetic, it's not that simple! We also found out that her iron levels and platelet levels are good. There's no news on the diseases front, but D____ told us that if you don't hear within a week, you're fine. We're really not worried about diseases anyway, call us reckless if you please...

Next up, we discussed the birth itself...

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