Friday, October 06, 2006

Day 186 - Listen to Your Heart

Now, this is something of a matter of debate between us, but according to my calculations in an Excel spreadsheet, K___'s third trimester starts today. She says it'll be on Sunday, i.e. the start of the week.

I don't know who's right and it doesn't matter much, but if it was me, it would have made for appropriate timing because K___ and I went along to the health centre for a check up this morning. We had to wait for half an hour when we arrived, which was a little unusual, but not a big problem. Instead of D____, the midwife we've seen for our other visits, it was her partner, K__. It was good to finally meet this woman - after all, there's no guarantees which one will be working when baby M_______ decides it's time to say hello and it would have been a bit strange for a total stranger to have started poking around the parts they never mention.

K__ was very friendly and funny - we were laughing about K___ taking up smoking in order to have a low birth weight baby and various other things that quickly put us at our ease (not that we were stressed anyway). She and an apprentice midwife ran through various routine bits such as the blood pressure tests and asking whether there'd been any problems. Then they asked for K___'s urine sample. D'oh! K___ has been so busy doing the flowers for her best friend's wedding tomorrow that she'd just forgotten. No problem, however. She just had to go and wee on a stick to check for glucose. None detected.

She was made to get up on the examination table and let the assistant midwife feel her belly. The baby was facing downwards, which was good. We'd spoken to our friend S___ the night before and she'd revealed her third could well be a breach, which would rather knacker her chances of a home birth. The assistant did make the point that there was still plenty of room in there and she would probably keep moving for a few weeks yet. Next we got to her the heart, via a thing that resembled nothing so much as K___'s handheld mixer! God, it's quick. I'd have checked myself in to casualty if my heart were beating that fast! It did make me grin though!

K___ got a couple of forms for some blood tests she's going to need to do in the next few weeks, and a form she needs for her HR department and that was that; all done.


1 comment:

  1. Did I say that I was going to bring the baby up to fear clowns? I reckon that'll do the job nicely...

    It's difficult. We've said we're never going to take our kid(s) there but if their friend is having a party there, it seems a bit churlish to say to a small child who can't understand the issues, 'No, you can't go to a party with your friends because Mummy and Daddy have ethical issues with the 'food' on sale there'...
