Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day 190 - One Week

Hmmm. You think you're quite clued up on your first pregnancy, and then your wife tells you something really quite fundamental.

Several times in this Blog, I've made reference to the due date (7th January) and how only 5% of babies are born on the due date. Until this morning, I had thought that when they said the due date was 7th of January, although I had no real expectation that that was the date our daughter might be born, I did think that that 'due date' referred to an actual day. I imagined it was date of conception + 40 * 7 days (280 days).

But it's not.

This is probably going to have many of my readers going, 'well, durr!' but I honestly didn't know 'due date' is a week, begining on a Sunday, and it is this Sunday that is the date given.

I worry that if I don't know something like that, what else am I completely misinformed about? Someone will be telling me the baby isn't house-trained next...


  1. It's ok, I don't think I knew that either...and I've had two babies and grandbabies.

    It's a good bit of info to remember...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Being pregnant, being the partner of someone who is pregnant, and subsequently becoming a parent---all a learning experience.

    There will be soooooo many things that you will learn along the way, and so many things will be brought to your attention that you will question why you didnt know in the first place.

    You'll never know all there is to know! Start accepting that reality as soon as you possibly can!!!

