Friday, June 29, 2007

Listen ... Do You Want to Know a Secret?

Olivia has learnt a few things recently:

You can get an interesting view of the world sitting up...

...enjoying some Tummy Time...

...or even upside down!

Feets are very interesting and make very exciting toys

They also make a tasty snack you can enjoy between meals without ruining your appetite :)


  1. She's adorable! Nice work on the sitting up. Mama was just saying that she looks so old--it seems like she was born so recently. How quickly the time passes.

  2. Look at those smiley shots.
    What a cutie!

    ...and nice work with the camera...especially on the feet shots.

    I'm impressed!

  3. We've worked out a gret way to get her to smile for photos - just sing Old McDonald has a farm - it's her favourite! I'm sure the novelty with eventually wear off though!


  4. lovely pics! and don't they just love it when they can sit! Peter loved old mcDonald - I think its the shape of your mounth when you e - i - e - i - o that does it!

  5. I meant to say originally that that photo of her staring at her feet is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen and I demand you email it to me instantly.
