Sunday, July 15, 2007

I Taste the Food You Eat

This weekend we started weaning. As you may remember from previous posts we decided to go with Baby-Led Weaning, rather than start with pureed food. Well, we had a resoundingly successful weekend. She had lots of fun picking up, squashing, licking, sucking and chomping the food and even ate a little bit!

Here is Olivia enjoying her first meal. She had organic ricecakes and banana cut into sticks.

She seemed to be breaking little bits off and I could see little bits in her mouth which had gone next time she opened it so I guess she swallowed something :) For lunch she had carrot and toast fingers. I tried her with rice cakes with houmus but she didn't seem keen so we'll try that again another time. Tea was asparagus and broccoli 'trees' with plain ricecakes.

We happened to be away at my Mum's but to be honest I think this was good as Mum was sceptical about the whole B-LW thing but was surprised at how well Olivia managed, even with her first meal! I ate breakfast with her and then we had a big family lunch and dinner.

She also had her usual milk feeds. Not a puree in sight!


  1. I've never heard of such a thing. But hey! Whatever works!

    (She's such a cutie!! And a great name, no?)

  2. I must admit I think this is excellent and also quite common sensical. Surely since like all babies she is a) curious about everything and b) putting everything in her mouth at the mo, this is perfect for her. It's so much more interesting in terms of texture and taste and also more autonomous than getting goo fed to her with a spoon by mummy :)

    drwhams' sis always fed her babies veg pieces and they loved it. I thought this was normal so am quite surprised it is a 'thing'.

    ... and then the kids have a phase when they're about 5 when they go off all veg except potatoes and you're screwed, apparently!

  3. Good job Olivia!

    (and good job, Mummy for trying it & defending the method amongst skeptics.)

  4. Hey...I just found another blog about baby led weaning...
    Made me think of you!

    thought you might enjoy reading someone else's experiences too.
