Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pavlovian Slaver

One really great thing we brought , worth it's weight in gold, is a night light thingie, a Tomy Winnie the Pooh Lullaby Dream show. It plays the Winnie the Pooh tune that loads of baby toys play and has a night light at the front with rotating images on as well as projecting images on the ceiling.

This has been really great as it communicates to a little girl whose grasp of English isn't great, that it is time to go to sleep and at the same time she totally loves it. A few cycles through of the song and she drifts off the sleep. There was a time when she would only nap on my lap , which as you can imagine meant I didn't get much done, but she now naps in her cot. It is sound activated so if she cries or begins to stir it activates and she goes back to sleep. This has also helped as it has meant that she gets much longer naps which makes her a much happier baby in the daytime.

I don't work for Tomy or anything :) I have just found this really great and so if any new or prospective parents are reading then this is something to think about. Olivia loves it and if we are in the bedroom she is always looking over at it as if to say 'hey Mum, where's my tunes'! We didn't really buy anything totally useless, but some of our purchases have definitely been more useful than others.


  1. When Gage was really little we didn't use any crib toys...but, now...we have some kind of dream-time aquarium toy like that on his crib. He can play with it if he wakes up in the plays music & has lights. He loves it.


  2. Wish they had those when my kids were babies. I'm thinking I might like that myself!
