Friday, July 06, 2007

Like The Inside and The Outside Of Me Is Being Made Again By You

Let me tell you about Olivia

Olivia's eyes are kind of grey and kind of green and kind of brown.
She can almost sit up but she wobbles a lot.
Her cheeks are like a ripe peach.
Olivia likes to lay in her cot in the morning and sing to herself.
Her hair is fluffy and feels like velvet. It grows in a swirl at her crown and smothes over her forehead in a side parting. She had goofy long bits over her ears which stick out.
When Olivia was born she had hairy ears like a little werebaby but now she has tiny perfect ears.
Olivia's favourite song is Old MacDonald. She smiles her lovely toothless smile when Mummy sing it to her.
Olivia likes to chew things. A lot. She is not discriminating and will chew pretty much everything she can get her hands on.
Olivia has the cutest bottom I have ever seen. She will thank Mummy and Daddy very much when she grows up if it stays as cute.
You know how when you were a child you would get a stick and run along clack, clack, clacking in on railings, well Olivia loves to do that only the stick is her dummy and the railings are the side of her cot. She lays in her cot singing and clack, clack, clacking.
Olivia loves to 'fly' above Mummy's head and laughs in delight.
Olivia cries real tears.
Her favourite toys are her Whoozits and her baby gym.
She has lovely plumpy thighs. She WILL NOT thank Mummy and Daddy if those stay like that when she is older.
Olivia can almost roll over but not quite.
The skin on her back and tummy is one of the softest things you will ever feel.
Olivia hates tummy time.
She loves to go in the bath and play with her ducks. She cries when it is time to come out.
Olivia loves milk and sometimes helps Mummy hold the bottle.

She almost has one tooth.
Olivia is the most beautiful thing on the planet.

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