Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Move Silently on Their Greasy Wheels

Now that Olivia is getting a bit big for Mummy to lug around in her carseat we have put the buggy seat on to her Quinny Zapp frame. This has been a great buggy as when she was little we put the carseat on the fame and now she is bigger she can go in the buggy. It folds down so small that it has been invaluable for getting lifts with my friends (as to the constant annoyance of F I don't drive) as it is so small that it easily fits in the boot alongside another buggy and I always had the carseat with me so even if I had walked somewhere and it started raining I was able to accept the offer of a lift home. My one criticism of this buggy would be that it isn't great for shopping as it has no parcel tray and is so light that if you hang stuff from the handlebars it tends to tip over (and poor Olivia once discovered).

These days I also have a Phil & Teds E3 which is a great all terrain buggy (the Quinny is a great street buggy but not so good for walking in the woods etc) and has a massive parcel tray for doing the shopping. The other great thing and the reason why I was willing to part with more hard earned cash for another buggy is that you can get a 'doubles seat' which attaches to the frame and makes it a double decker double buggy. It has a lie flat position for newborns with a toddler sitting in front on the doubles seat and then when the younger child is old enough to sit you switch the doubles seat to the back and the smaller child sits there. Genius! As we don't intend to leave a huge gap between kids this seemed like a good investment for the future which Olivia and I can also make use of in the present.

Anyway here is madam modelling the new seat. I think she has a future on the catwalks of Paris :)


  1. just like her mother....

  2. that picture had me laughing!

    "young lady, you close those legs right now! We don't want the neighborhood boys thinking you are easy!"

  3. I am a bit of a lurker on this blog, but I also have a baby and a Quinny Zapp. I bought a shopping basket made specially for the Zapp on Ebay.co.uk...I think it was Buggy Ltd. In any case you can search shopping basket and zapp. It is great and people here in Brussels with Zapps always stop to ask me where I purchased it. I also note that for success with shopping bags you have to stretch it across both handles.
