Friday, May 23, 2008

Say the Word

  • Olivia has learned to say Mumma, she says it A LOT.
  • Olivia also says 'good girl', duck, quack, car, cat, Daddy, teddy (which actually means both teddy and baby) Marmar (which means Grandma), hiya, gone, do (which may mean do or shoe) and has also copied other words when they are said to her but won't use them of her own accord.
  • Olivia likes to eat toast and bananas and cheese and yoghurt and sultanas and salmon and peas. She likes to pick everything off the highchair tray and make Mummy put it back on the plate so that she can hold the plate and choose what she wants to eat next.
  • Olivia likes to have her own spoon and is getting good at eating yoghurt.
  • If you ask Olivia where Mummy's baby is she comes up and lifts up Mummy's T shirt and looks.
  • Olivia loves music and point to the CD player and gets very impatient when she wants you to put music on. She loves the Silver Balloon her 'Auntie' L got her so much that Mummy and Daddy used to find themselves humming the songs at work. For the sake of everyone's sanity Mummy brought Silver Balloon 2 and is anxiously awaiting Silver Balloon 3!
  • Olivia has lots of teeth and likes to chew everything.
  • Olivia loves to read. She choses a book and brings it to you and puts her arms up in the air and makes the noise I always associate with kids trying to attract teacher's attention when they know the answer to the question in class and are keen to be chosen. She keeps doing this noise till you pick her up, put her on your lap and look at the book with her. She likes to look at picture books and is very good at pointing to the pictures of things she knows if you say the word to her. When you say lion or dinosaur she roars!
  • When Olivia gets very excited she runs on the spot.
  • Olivia helps unpack the shopping by getting things out of the bag one at a time and handing them to Mummy to put in the cupboards or the fridge.
  • Olivia is very good at climbing stairs but not as good at going down again.
  • Olivia likes to sit on the step at Grandma's and drink water from her sippy cup.
  • Olivia's favourite song is still 'Old MacDonald'


  1. Before you name the second bump (I reckon it's another girl, btw), you are absolutley OBLIGED to make sure they have covered that name on the "Silver Balloon" CDs. So nothing way out (Rainbow Sprite lll would be out) and nothing hyphenated (Megan-tayler storm is probably not in the collection). Have you thought about Kayleigh?

  2. Anonymous3:40 pm

    "She loves the Silver Balloon her 'Auntie' L got her so much that Mummy and Daddy used to find themselves humming the songs at work"

    Hurrah! I am so glad!

