Saturday, July 26, 2008

And Shoes You Would Hardly Believe

Grandma rudely think she deserves a holiday - I don't know, the liberties some people take :)

We have worked out a child care rota for the 2 and a half weeks Grandmas is away. So Olivia was looked after by Daddy on Wednesday and by Auntie Clare on Thursday and Friday. The other kids finished school on Thursday and so on Friday Olivia had someone to play with.

Olivia had lots of fun playing in Auntie Clare's garden but insisted in wearing some boots which her cousin has long since grown out of but which are 4 sizes too big for Olivia, even though it was about 25 degrees outside and dry as a bone. She was quite taken with the wellies and as you can see she insisted on wearing them for the rest of the day.

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