Monday, October 30, 2006

Day 206 - Waiting to be Born Again

Just a quicky today. This is undoubtedly a post that's about two weeks early, but a big shout out to the lovely S___ who has just gone over her due date.
S___ holds the record for the longest anyone has gone over the due date for a home birth without being induced in Southend, with a whopping sixteen days. I think I'm right in saying that was with her first baby. The second was much the same and if everything goes according to the now established tradition, this one will be a late arrival too.
A few weeks ago, there was a good chance that she would have to be induced as the baby was breech, but he's turned himself around and everything's in place for a normal birth.
Best of luck - if you don't need it now, save it for a couple of weeks until you do!

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